  1. Brand New Day


Praise God for this brand new day;
It’s a day that I’ve earned
Through the lessons I’ve learned;
It’s a day I can use to do the best I can do;
It’s a day I can share with you
‘Cause it’s your day too.

So let’s take this brand new day
And give it away—To those who aren’t sure
That each day dawns pure,
To any in need of a nourishing deed,
To help them to find their way
To their own new day.

Praise God for this brand new day;
It’s a day that I’ve earned
Through the lessons I’ve learned;
It’s a day I can use to do the best I can do;
It’s a day I can share with you
‘Cause it’s your day too.

Now let’s take this brand new day
And give it away,
Give it away,
Give it away,
Give it away,
Giive it away.